Is there a way to edit multiple localized string.xml files in one window in Eclipse?

When working with a localized Android application, I was a little annoyed that whenever I change the value on one language version of strings.xml , I must remember to change it in other versions.

Is there a way to open several (or at least two of them) string.xml files in one window that will display the language versions of all messages next to each other, similar to the resource string.xml editor?

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5 answers

As a continuation of the rest, yes, MOTODEV Studio has a multilingual editor strings.xml.

Install as a set of plugins in Eclipse by visiting the Eclipse Marketplace (Help-> Eclipse Marketplace) or by creating a new update site (Help-> Install New Software) and using as the address of the update site.

If it does not open automatically for the first time, right-click on the strings.xml file and select "Open With-> Other" and find "Localization File Editor". After that, he should open this editor every time.

enter image description here

Here's a YouTube video showing how this works:

Disclaimer: I am the product manager for MOTODEV Studio.


Yes, I also ran into this problem in one project requiring multilingual support, and I don’t think there is such a tool for this. But we can lay out a window in the eclipse and make editing for two languages ​​in parallel enter image description here


Use the following eclipse update site:

Make sure to uncheck the "Group by category" box or you won’t see the packages available!

Select "Android Sequoyah android localization editor" and install the package.

Right-click on one of the strings.xml files and select open with β†’ other β†’ Localization File Editor


You can install MOTODEV Studio for Android. It has many things, including the Android localization file editor.


A very old question, but with a new answer. In Android Studio, use the language editor for the side editor.

enter image description here




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