How to enable "import org.eclipse.wb.swt.SWTResourceManager"

I have a SWT application and it works fine. I used Google WindowBuilder Pro to create application windows. Today I tried to make some updates in my application. So when I open it, I find an error saying " import org.eclipse.wb.swt.SWTResourceManager the import cannot be resolved ". But he worked earlier. Can someone tell me what could be the problem?

I am using Eclipse Helios for development.

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5 answers

This helper class is created inside your WindowBuilder project as soon as you change, for example, the font of the label.

The code for the class can also be found by name for the name, for example here: java


I had the same problem. The workaround I used was to create a new class (of the same type, in my case the SWT Application Window) and copy all the code from the failed class to the new one.


download the window builder file jar file and add it to your project. (right-click the project, select properties and click "Add Variable", then select the downloaded jar file)


I had a problem. I tried to find a jar and fix the problem. But I could not find the can. Instead, I found the source in this link , downloaded and placed in the same package structure in my project.

This works for me, download the source from under the link:

Hope this can help others too.


There are jar files on the Internet. But I have problems with these. What I did to solve this problem

download java file SWTResourceManager from github - click this . Then I edit a few lines:

  • In the file , modify package org.eclipse.wb.swt; in your package name.
  • And in your java file that you are going to use the libraries, delete import org.eclipse.wb.swt.SWTResourceManager; this line or change your package.

Now you are good to go ..



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