Android Multiscreen Support Issue

Hi guys, I was developing an Android app that should fit most screen resolutions. And I just got into the folder settings with the choice of two permissions for this 1. 480 x 800 with an approximate density of 217 2.540 x 960 with an approximate density of 240

And I have a different set of images for both resolutions, and I set hdpi to 540 x 960, but I have no idea to get around 480x800, which also falls under hdpi. After viewing, I found a tvdpi drop-down qualifier that supports appr. density 213

When I install the tvdpi qualifier in a drawable folder, I get the error "invalid resource directory name"

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1 answer

Resolution and dpi are not directly related. It just so happens that many 800x480 devices are HDPI, and then can be as low as if the screen was big enough.

If you really need a direct correspondence match, you will need to adjust the API level 13 and use the available width and height qualifiers for your resources, or if you need to configure a lower API level than 13, create your own resource loading scheme.

You can also use a combination of density and size qualifiers, but that still leaves room for two different resolutions that fall into the same bucket.

But before you choose, you need to ask yourself if you really want to have the same pixel size for your drawings on the 3.7 "480x800 screen as for the 7" 480x800 screen.



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