Ok, I am using the excellent Delphi-Mocks Framework and I just ran into a problem. Suppose I have the following interfaces:
IDepartment = Interface ['{F4915950-8F32-4944-A3B6-8E08F6C38ECC}'] function getID() : Integer; function getName() : String; property ID: Integer read getID; property Name: String read getName; end; ISale = Interface ['{F4915950-8F32-4944-A3B6-8E08F6C38E77}'] function getAmmount() : Currency; function getDepartment() : IDepartment; property Ammount: Currency read getAmmount; property Department : IDepartment getDepartment; end;
Now I'm trying to test the Sale interface using DUnit and Delphi-Mocks and use it like this:
procedure TMyTest.Test_Sale_HasDepartment; var mckDepartment : TMock<IDeparment>; mckSale : TMock<ISale>; begin mckDepartment := TMock<IDepartment>.Create; mckDepartment.Setup.WillReturn('My Department').When.Name; mckDepartment.Setup.WillReturn(1).When.ID; // Create a sale Mock mckSale := TMock<ISale>.Create; mckSale.Setup.WillReturn(100).When.Ammount; //** Here´s there is where I don´t know how to add a "child mock"** mckSale.Setup.WillReturn(TValue.From<IDepartment>(mckDepartment)).When.Department; // What I am trying to get is the following: WriteLn(mckSale.Instance.Department.Name); // Should return "My Department" but fails with an AV. end;
So my question is: how to add a child layout to an existing mocked interface and call its methods and properties?
Thanks! Postscript I am using Delphi XE2.
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