Bing Map for Android

we plan to use bing cards for Android . We do not use Google maps , because we have premium licenses for Bing, and therefore we prefer to use them. But after several days of searching, I could not find anything significant in how to use bing cards on Android phones. One option that I tried was to use WebView and then display the bing maps, but it was not as intuitive as what we could get if it was a MapView . So if you can get bing cards the same way we get google maps in MapView with default support for panning and zooming, etc.

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2 answers

Updates: bing map is deprecated AndroidSDK

Instead of starting coding from scratch now, I would have waited for the Bing Maps Android SDK to be announced (developed by Ricky Brundritt, one of the MVP Bing Maps), due out later this month: http: //www.inknowledge / Products / BingMapsAndroidSDK.aspx

Edit: March 15, 2011 Android Bing Maps SDK has now been released. You can download it from:


Updates: I also wanted to include the bing card in my application, but they are deprecated in the AndroidSDK

see this link for proper use of bing card

This project is now deprecated, use the Bing Maps V7 AJAX control to create cross-platform applications.

There is also a note on the official website

This SDK was designed to work with Android 2.x devices. New 3.x and 4.x Android devices have bugs in the WebViewer control, resulting in poor performance with this SDK. This SDK is built on top of Bing Maps V7 AJAX and, as such, can also be used to create websites using an application that runs on Android devices. In addition, it can be used with PhoneGap ( ) if you want to create your own application. This is the recommended development path, as it will allow all new features in Bing Maps v7 instantly become available to your application.



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