Display the number of open questions in the JIRA gadget

I need help requesting the hsqldb of my JIRA instance to find the number of open issues in each project and display this data in my gadget. What do i need to use? Can this be done directly using jql? Thanks.

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3 answers

I don’t think you could do it out of the box, but you could do it using the JQL Tricks Plugin.If you want to create something of your own, you can request Jira using the remote API and save the results as an HTML page . Than you can use Jira Custom Content Plugin to display the page on the toolbar. Finally, plan for the query to run every minute or so.

Hope this answers your questions.

  • Create a filter that lists the problems you want to count (for example, errors, open, reopened, etc.). Filters are created in the "Problems / Search" section.
  • Create Toolbar Toolbars / Manage Dashboards ...
  • Add a problem statistics gadget to the control panel
  • Configure the problem statistics gadget to use the filter created in step 1.
  • Set other gadget options
    • the sort order
    • type of statistics (I used a component that affects the grouping of statistics)

Thus, I created a dashboard that shows the number of open errors for each component in the project.

We are using Djira version 6.0.5


The latest version of JIRA Cloud now has a filter gadget that seems to do what you need: Adding a JIRA Filter Counter Gadget

Here's what it looks like in the wild:

JIRA Filter counts gadget in action

Ultimately, this should turn into a JIRA Server, as most functions do.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1411234/

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