I have been stuck for a long time with this. I am sure that this happened due to an error while switching from svn.
On the server where the bare repository is located:
$ git clone /var/git/queryj.git $ cd queryj $ git branch -r origin/HEAD -> origin/remotes/trunk origin/br-0_6--ventura24-2_0-5 origin/master origin/remotes/br-0_6--ventura24-1_0 origin/remotes/br-0_6--ventura24-1_9-stable origin/remotes/br-0_6--ventura24-1_9-synchr origin/remotes/br-0_6--ventura24-2_0 origin/remotes/br-0_6--ventura24-2_0-0
When cloning a repository via https, I get different results:
$ git clone https://git.acm-sl.org/queryj.git $ cd queryj $ git branch -r origin/HEAD -> origin/remotes/trunk origin/br-0_6--ventura24-2_0-5 origin/remotes/trunk origin/ventura24-2_0-stable
Any idea how I can make missing branches available when cloning via https? It is exported via webdav.
chous source share