Manage web forms using speech through PHP, HTML5, jQuery?

I am interested in knowing a way to manage web pages (preferably in a Chrome browser) using speech recognition using HTML5, PHP and / or javascript jQuery.

I know about the HTML5 speech command <input type="text" x-webkit-speech /> , but let's say, for example, if you had several inputs and you said the word "next", I would like it to focus on the next the entrance. Or say that one said that the word "send" will serve as input, receive a drift?

These are probably custom speech codes, but cannot find any information about this, any ideas?

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1 answer

If you are only happy to support Chrome at this point, you should do this by checking the input value with webkit voice input support when you receive the webkitspeechchange event. See here (hattip to iRomin ).

The obvious and pretty important thing is that you need to enter a web quote-enabled input field on your page, and the user must click the microphone icon to start recording. The W3 startSpeechInput mentions the startSpeechInput method, but this doesn't seem to be implemented in my version of Chrome (18).

If this is too many restrictions, and you cannot wait for Chrome to startSpeechInput method and / or need to support other browsers, you can take a look at the open source speech API that uses Flash to access the microphone and provides a JavaScript API for the client . From the documentation, it looks like it offers many options for the back end, including a hosted service. There are also various demos that should give you an idea of ​​whether it depends on the job.



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