Androidplot: enhance Axis layout (remove clipping values)

On Androidplot, my Axis Vals are disabled, so the latest values ​​are only half displayed. How to fix this problem?

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2 answers
dynamicPlot.getGraphWidget().setMarginTop(4); dynamicPlot.getLegendWidget().setHeight(14); 

Fortunately, I still found something in the androidplot forum cache.


If the Coretek solution does not work for you, since it is not for me, I found this solution to get the desired result:

 YOURPLOT.getGraphWidget().setGridPaddingRight(AmountOfSpaceDesired); YOURPLOT.getGraphWidget().setGridPaddingTop(AmountOfSpaceDesired); 

This will not only cause your axis to stop clipping, but also your schedule. I wanted a little more space on the top where I used to have a point touching the right side, where another point was touching.

Hope this helps someone as it helps me.



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