If you are using vcl styles, you must write a vcl style hook to draw a close button in the tab controls, take a look at Vcl.Styles.ColorTabs (introduced in these articles Creating colorful tables with VCL styles , Added border for TTabColorControlStyleHook ) to have an idea of โโwhat you need to write in a style like this. In addition to the code, to draw a button on the tabs, you must process the WM_MOUSEMOVE and WM_LBUTTONUP messages (in the hook style) to change the state of the button (normal, hot) and detect a click on the close button.
If you are having trouble implementing the hook method, let me know to post the full solution here.
I just wrote this simple style to add suport for the close button in tables.
uses Vcl.Styles, Vcl.Themes; type TTabControlStyleHookBtnClose = class(TTabControlStyleHook) private FHotIndex : Integer; FWidthModified : Boolean; procedure WMMouseMove(var Message: TMessage); message WM_MOUSEMOVE; procedure WMLButtonUp(var Message: TWMMouse); message WM_LBUTTONUP; function GetButtonCloseRect(Index: Integer):TRect; strict protected procedure DrawTab(Canvas: TCanvas; Index: Integer); override; procedure MouseEnter; override; procedure MouseLeave; override; public constructor Create(AControl: TWinControl); override; end; constructor TTabControlStyleHookBtnClose.Create(AControl: TWinControl); begin inherited; FHotIndex:=-1; FWidthModified:=False; end; procedure TTabControlStyleHookBtnClose.DrawTab(Canvas: TCanvas; Index: Integer); var Details : TThemedElementDetails; ButtonR : TRect; FButtonState: TThemedWindow; begin inherited; if (FHotIndex>=0) and (Index=FHotIndex) then FButtonState := twSmallCloseButtonHot else if Index = TabIndex then FButtonState := twSmallCloseButtonNormal else FButtonState := twSmallCloseButtonDisabled; Details := StyleServices.GetElementDetails(FButtonState); ButtonR:= GetButtonCloseRect(Index); if ButtonR.Bottom - ButtonR.Top > 0 then StyleServices.DrawElement(Canvas.Handle, Details, ButtonR); end; procedure TTabControlStyleHookBtnClose.WMLButtonUp(var Message: TWMMouse); Var LPoint : TPoint; LIndex : Integer; begin LPoint:=Message.Pos; for LIndex := 0 to TabCount-1 do if PtInRect(GetButtonCloseRect(LIndex), LPoint) then begin if Control is TPageControl then begin TPageControl(Control).Pages[LIndex].Parent:=nil; TPageControl(Control).Pages[LIndex].Free; end; break; end; end; procedure TTabControlStyleHookBtnClose.WMMouseMove(var Message: TMessage); Var LPoint : TPoint; LIndex : Integer; LHotIndex : Integer; begin inherited; LHotIndex:=-1; LPoint:=TWMMouseMove(Message).Pos; for LIndex := 0 to TabCount-1 do if PtInRect(GetButtonCloseRect(LIndex), LPoint) then begin LHotIndex:=LIndex; break; end; if (FHotIndex<>LHotIndex) then begin FHotIndex:=LHotIndex; Invalidate; end; end; function TTabControlStyleHookBtnClose.GetButtonCloseRect(Index: Integer): TRect; var FButtonState: TThemedWindow; Details : TThemedElementDetails; R, ButtonR : TRect; begin R := TabRect[Index]; if R.Left < 0 then Exit; if TabPosition in [tpTop, tpBottom] then begin if Index = TabIndex then InflateRect(R, 0, 2); end else if Index = TabIndex then Dec(R.Left, 2) else Dec(R.Right, 2); Result := R; FButtonState := twSmallCloseButtonNormal; Details := StyleServices.GetElementDetails(FButtonState); if not StyleServices.GetElementContentRect(0, Details, Result, ButtonR) then ButtonR := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0); Result.Left :=Result.Right - (ButtonR.Width) - 5; Result.Width:=ButtonR.Width; end; procedure TTabControlStyleHookBtnClose.MouseEnter; begin inherited; FHotIndex := -1; end; procedure TTabControlStyleHookBtnClose.MouseLeave; begin inherited; if FHotIndex >= 0 then begin FHotIndex := -1; Invalidate; end; end;
Register this way
TStyleManager.Engine.RegisterStyleHook(TCustomTabControl, TTabControlStyleHookBtnClose); TStyleManager.Engine.RegisterStyleHook(TTabControl, TTabControlStyleHookBtnClose);
And this is a demonstration
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