Can I use Grape to load modules in Groovy?

I am writing my first automation script in groovy and I ended up at a checkpoint. When using the AntBuilder class to run sshexec (), I run the following error:

: Problem: failed to create task or type sshexec Cause: the class was not found. This looks like one of Ant optional components. Action: Check that the appropriate optional JAR exists in -ANT_HOME\lib -the IDE Ant configuration dialogs Do not panic, this is a common problem. The commonest cause is a missing JAR. This is not a bug; it is a configuration problem 

So far, the best I have found for this is to use

 Grape.grab(group : "com.jcraft", module : "jsch", classLoader : this.class.classLoader.rootLoader) Grape.grab(group:"ant", module:"ant-jsch", classLoader:this.class.classLoader.rootLoader) 

to download the necessary modules. However, I would like to exclude the delay time of Grape loading banks from the remote Maven repository.

Is there a way to load and save modules for future use, perhaps in JAVA_PATH or something like that?

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3 answers

Adding the required jars to% ANT_HOME% and% GROOVY_HOME% does not work.

The solution is to put the banks in% USERPROFILE% .groovy \ lib - after which Grape calls are no longer needed. Hope this is helpful to others with the same problem.

Thanks to Dave for finding me on the right track.


Use Grape annotations to load script dependencies at runtime:

 @Grapes([ @Grab(group='org.apache.ant', module='ant-jsch', version='1.8.3'), @GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true) ]) def ant = new AntBuilder() ant.sshexec(host:"somehost", username:"yo", password:"dude", command:"ls") 

If you are behind a firewall, you can also configure the location of your Maven repository:

 @GrabResolver(name="my-repo", root="http://my.hostname/maven/repo") 

The final tip, the groovy.grape.autoDownload property can be used to control whether the grapes make a remote download or just use their cached files.

 groovy -Dgroovy.grape.autoDownload=false myscript.groovy 

Assuming that your code will only run on a few computers, I would create a grapeConfig.xml file and set ivy.cache.ttl.default to about 30 days. This will tell Grape that if you have a dependency that uses a version range to check remote repositories for updated dependencies every 30 days. See this post for more details.



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