How to draw a clock with JavaFX 2?

Given an hour and a minute, I want to draw a similar clock.

I managed to create a Group with Circle , but I don’t know which class to use for hands and how to place and rotate them.

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2 answers
  • Add 3 lines (for hour, minute, second) with different strokes and lengths for your group.
  • Place one end of each line at the center of your circle and the other end of each line straight up at 12 o’clock.
  • Create a timeline that runs a keyframe every second.
  • In the key frame:
    • Calculate the degree of rotation of the hands based on the current time .
    • Rotate hands should receive the required amount.
  • Set the cycle timeline indefinitely .
  • Put your group in the scene and add the scene to the scene.
  • Play your timeline.

I created an example application that implements the above principles.

enter image description here


In response to criticism of the coding style used in the sample application, I created a refactored sample application that uses a more functional coding style.

In addition, the jfxtras project has an AnalogueClock control. Here is the gist of how to use the jfxtras clock.


Netbeans 7.1.2 comes with sample applications. The JavaFX part has a StopWatch application. Look at this, it can give you a great clue.



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