Reverse regex in Java

How to cancel regex in Java? For example, 'ab. + De '=>' ed. + Ba '.

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You need to create a parser for the regular expression and undo all the markers / parts.

in this case

ab. + de is

a, b ,. +, d, e

and vice versa:

e, d ,. +, b, a

now imagine groups

((ab) (. + De))

back side

((ed. +), (Ba))


In fact, it would be much easier to turn over a haystack than a needle. And since Matcher accepts CharSequence instead of String , you can do this with trivial overhead by simply wrapping String (see Answers to Back String in Java, in O (1)? ).

With this knowledge, you can create an alternative version of Matcher that may look like the opposite picture, but actually just reverses the input.


Tiago Peczenyj is correct, and you need to handle both backlinks, capture groups, and named groups. Named groups, because in Java RegEx there is no restriction that a named group needs to return a link by name, it can be returned by number, like any other capture group.

If anyone is interested in a Java solution, I have implemented a library to do just that. .

Handles all valid regex Java constructors and provides utility classes for wrapping, matching, and input for reverse lookups to handle all the necessary mappings and calls.



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