Did Youtube Iframe Embed Stop Working For Certain Videos?

I created a JS script for this here:



Starting last night, several videos on the site I'm working on have stopped loading for users. We use iframe embed and try to make as many materials as possible using html5.

To reproduce this error:

If the user either

  • Unenrolled / did not decide to include html5 video or

  • The user has enabled html5 verification, the video will not play on MacBook Chrome, Firefox or Safari.

If the user either starts the html5 check, or is turned off, or (if they are already registered for the html5 trial version), then embedding will work

Some tips:

Debugging from a broken video is as follows:

  • debug playbackQuality = small
  • Scoville = 1
  • SLT = 0
  • PD = 0
  • MOS = 0
  • debug flashVersion = MAC 11% 2C2% 2C202% 2C235
  • fs = 0
  • hl = ru US
  • debugging date = thu May 10 14% 3A40% 3A14 GMT% 2D0700 2012
  • IFrame = 1
  • Lact = NULL
  • videoFps = 0
  • VQ = Auto
  • H = 355
  • stageFps = 24
  • debugging error = not specified
  • TPMT = 0
  • Framer = HTTP% 253A% 252F% 252Ffiddle% 2Ejshell% 2Enet% 252FunPrz% 252F5% 252Fshow% 252F
  • volume = 100
  • droppedFrames = 0
  • w = 473
  • el = detailpage
  • screenw = 1440
  • screenh = 900
  • debug videoId =
  • playerw = 640
  • debug sourceData =

Several Yet:

  • Mozilla gives the error: - An unexpected value aligns the parsing of the preserveAspectRatio attribute.
  • The video that we found that this embedment is broken is the one that plays as Flash video even in the trial version of html5.

Please see my jsFiddle to reproduce the error.

What causes this? This error does not cause an error in calling youtube api onError, is there any way to define it so that we can handle it?

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1 answer

YouTube has really changed its API in the last couple of days , and the flash reserve from their HTML5 video player has failed. Other users report a black or blank YouTube Player screen and video duration at 0:00, which are other symptoms of this error after the presentation of the SWF player.

I updated your jsfiddle.net with a workaround to only use the flash player from the initial start, and then prevents the problem of returning from the flash memory until it is resolved.

It saves your / embed / schema, so any user API that is used will still be valid.

The workaround adds a playlist parameter without any other video values ​​and a comma, usually used to split the video in the playlist, so that playlist 1 is implemented.

Of course, if you have already used the playlist, then you will not be exposed to this error, since the playlist is the only exclusive flash element that causes the flash player to display correctly in / embed / URL at the moment.

Here's the update:


Status Report: This YouTube API error is no longer a problem.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1412025/

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