Is there a way to change the font size property of the x-axis in MATLAB for a shape? I need to resize the values along the x axis (not the header, which can be changed using the xlabel
property). I have the following code snippet:
%% Some figure properties: width=15;height=20;alw=0.75; %% Figure: for i=1:8 figure;set(gcf,'color','white'); pos=get(gcf, 'Position'); set(gcf, 'Position', [pos(1) pos(2) width*100, height*100]); set(gca, 'LineWidth', alw);axis off; axes('position',[0.06 0.08 0.87 0.38]) plot(0:24,s(i).obs(:,1),'linewidth',2,'color','b');hold on; plot(0:24,s(i).sim(:,1)-273.15,'linewidth',2,'color','r'); legend('Obs','Sim','location','northeastoutside'); set(gca,'xtick',0:24,'xticklabel',0:24); set(gca,'ytick',2:2:28,'yticklabel',2:2:28); xlabel('Hour');ylabel('[°C]');axis([0 24 2 28]);grid on; axes('position',[0.06 0.53 0.87 0.38]); plot(s(i).time.obs,s(i).serie.obs,'b');hold on; plot(s(i).time.sim,s(i).serie.sim-273.15,'r'); datetick('x','myy');axis tight;grid on; legend('Obs','Sim','location','northeastoutside'); title([s(i).name ', porcNaN: ' num2str(roundn(s(i).rnan,-1)) ... '%, period: ' datestr(s(i).period(1,:),20) ' - '... datestr(s(i).period(2,:),20)],'fontsize',12); ylabel('[°C]');set(gca,'fontsize',8) image_name=['temp_sup_' s(i).name]; print(image_name,'-dpng','-r600') end
"s" is a structure. The problem is the x-axis values of the second graph (figure above), the datetick sets all the months and years, I need this information (every month), but they are very close to each other. I know the fontsize property, but this property changes the font size to two axes (x and y), and I only need to change the x axis.