I need to do asynchronous programming in a Windows application (.net 3.5 C #) by running long processes in the background and showing the user the progress form in the user interface. How can I make this windows based application
See the BackgroundWorker class:
Check out the asynchronous programming design pattern , ThreadPool , the Event-Based Asynchronous Template, an Overview of the Asynchronous Event-Based Template , msdn , and BackgroundWorker .
Well, you let your lengthy processes run asynchronously in separate threads and notify the user interface thread. If you want to get more detailed information, you will need to provide more detailed information and some code.
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1412243/More articles:Android makes a transaction to check the prepaid balance of the phone - androidstandalone SHA implementation - c ++How to uniquely identify a laptop and the wireless access point to which it connects? - securityResultSetImpl throws a NullPointerException - mysqlHow to calculate sine values ββsomewhere and then move them to XMM0 in Assembly? - assemblyCrockford Research Method - page 41 of The Good Parts - javascriptLua loads variables when the program is called ~ Parameter? - variablesAndroid NDK - include C ++ header in another header? - javaRunning OS on VirtualBox - assemblyUsing an IN clause versus multiple SELECTs - phpAll Articles