Window.CavalryLogger error in Facebook application on Facebook tab

I have applications that appear as tabs on Facebook pages that work fine. They suddenly began to display this output in a tab:

/ 1336720089.176820405 /

if (window.CavalryLogger) { CavalryLogger.start_js(["EgxV3"]); } __d("UFIUpdate", 

Any ideas on what's going on ???

Here is a link to one of them:

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3 answers

The workaround is to add https: // to facebook itself. This does not solve the problem, but it will allow you to see your page based on the client.

The best solution in the long run until Facebook fixes this problem in order to go to your account settings> Security> Enable Safe Browsing. This will provide HTTPS wherever it is and should solve the problem for the large number of pages that you are trying to access.

Good luck


After we ran into this problem yesterday, I tracked it to a clear conflict with the JS log wrapper included in the HTML5 Boilerplate script.js file. In particular, โ€œitโ€™s safe to use the consoleโ€œ always. โ€After commenting, this led to an FB lib error, and my application displayed correctly.

I did not delve into the conflict, but here is a fragment. If you use something like this on your page, it might be worth exploring.

 /* make it safe to use console.log always */ (function(b){function c(){}for(var d="assert,count,debug,dir,dirxml,error,exception,group,groupCollapsed,groupEnd,info,log,timeStamp,profile,profileEnd,time,timeEnd,trace,warn".split(","),a;a=d.pop();){b[a]=b[a]||c}})((function(){try {console.log();return window.console;}catch(err){return window.console={};}})()); 

It is probably no coincidence that FB has its own error logger with this.


Facebook has discovered a bug for this issue and recently triaged it to medium priority - not a word about when it will be reviewed.



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