I looked at MSDN both in the API Store and in the Launchers collection and cannot find a task or launcher that will open the application in the Marketplace application, ready for the user to evaluate how we could easily do in Windows Phone 7 . Is there an alternative way that I can easily tell the user a review or rating, or do we have to wait for MS to provide this, or does it already exist?
I believe, or I should say, “I hope” that the “rate and review” command automatically appears in the settings for all applications downloaded from the store.
Can anyone confirm this?
Yes, it looks like you're right, in the Application Settings Guide (Windows Store Apps) http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/Hh770544.aspx#user_experience , says it's fascinating in the Rate and Review section, the user can rate and view your application.
However: "Only those applications that are installed in the Windows store have an entry point of" Rating "and" Overview ".
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