NodeJs on a router through DD-WRT or OpenWRT?

Know someone how I can install NodeJS on a dd-wrt, openwrt or freewrt system?

Or, possibly, on any router with one of these systems:

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2 answers

I stumbled upon a guy on Twitter who claimed to have done it back in April 2011 and offered a high-level review of the process . My research shows that this will be possible only on little-endian chipsets (for example, β€œmipsel”, as on ASUS RT-N16), since even the MIPS version v8 does not support widescreen versions of this architecture (for example, how Atheros uses the chipset on Buffalo WZR-HP-AG300H).


Sorry, no links could be found indicating that this was done. I suggest checking dependencies for Node.

You will need at least the following: * gcc4-g ++ * git * do * pkg-config * zlib-devel * openssl-devel * openssl * python

Please note that this is from older Cygwin compilation instructions so that they are not entirely accurate.

If you can find all of them for your router operating system, then this should be possible. It’s just node, that it takes LONG time to compile.

You can also struggle with memory, as most routers are sorely lacking. This question on Google contains some information.



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