Force Tomcat 6 for Windows

We use tomcat 6 to run Java based on activeMQ for our application. I recently learned how to implement a continuous deployment solution for components on the server side of this product.

What I want to do is our continuous integration server:
1. Throw the MSI installer to the virtual machine.
2. Stop Tomcat
3. Run the installer
4. Launch Tomcat
5. Verify that the server is running.

I can do all this except the Tomcat completion stage. The problem I am facing is that Tomcat does not always gracefully close it. Therefore, I need to make the server shut down. I am open to the weather or do not start Tomcat as a service. Does anyone have any info on how to close Tomcat 6 on Windows? I saw some documentation on using the -force , but this was patchy and aimed at Unix systems.

Any information you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Tomcat may not be the only Java process running on a machine.

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3 answers

If you are not running it as a service, and Tomcat is the only Java application, then you can use taskkill. Something like taskkill /F /IM java.exe should do the trick.

Note that forcibly killing a Tomcat process is safe for Tomcat. Any running applications may not be so forgiving, but since this is your application, you will know what is safe and what is not.


Another answer (with taskkill) is good, but to get a PID search through the output of "sc queryex" for the name of the service you are interested in, then take its pid.

then it is taskkill / f / pid {pid} instead of just looking for java tasks.

I had to use a groovy script to do this, if you are well versed in powershell, you can get better results.


The following command is executed to run tomcat on our Windows server on port 8080.

 @echo off FOR /F "tokens=5 delims= " %%P IN ('netstat -a -n -o ^| findstr :8080') DO @ECHO Unable to stop Tomcat timely..Kill process %%P FOR /F "tokens=5 delims= " %%P IN ('netstat -a -n -o ^| findstr :8080') DO call TaskKill.exe /f /PID %%P 


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