Apple LLVM Compiler 3.1 Bug - iOS 5; Xcode 4.3

I get this error for a long time and I don’t know what to do.

To fix this question, I wrote an error in the .rtf file and put it in CloudApp. Here's the link:

I think this has something to do with "CLAPIDeserializer.m".

I would appreciate any help. Thanks.


CompileC / Users / juniorpond / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Test -fqacaiejputxwicubwhguzleizde / Build / Intermediates / / Debug-iphoneos / / Objects-normal / armv7 / CLAPIDeserializer.o "Cloud Analysis / API / CLAPIDeserializer .m "normal armv7 cd" / Users / juniorpond / Documents / Dropbox / Triple J Studios / Applications / Applications / CloudSend / Test / Test "setenv LANG en_US.US -ASCII setenv PATH "/Applications/ : / USR / SBIN: / SBIN "/Applications/ -x objective-c -arch armv7 -fmessage-length = 0 -std = gnu99 - Wno-trigraphs -fpascal-strings -O0 -Wno-missing-field-initializers -Wno-missing-prototypes -Wreturn-type -Wno-implicit -atomic properties -Wformat -Wno-missing-braces -Wparentheses -Wswitch -Wno-unused-function -Wno-unused-label -Wno-unused-parameter -Wunused-variable -Wunused-value -Initialized -Wno-unknown-pragmas -Wno-shadow -Wno -four- char -constants -Wno-sign-compare -Wno-shorten-64-to-32 -Wpointer-sign -Wno-newline-eof -Wno-selector -Wno-strict-selector -match -Wno-undeclared-selector -Wno-deprecated-implementation -DDEBUG = 1 -isysroot / Applications / / Contents / Developer / Platforms / iPhoneOS.platform / Developer / SDKs / iPhoneOS5.1.sdk -Wprotocol -Wdeprecated-declarations -g -Wno-conversion -Wno-sign-conversion -mthumb -DIBOutlet = attribute ((iboutlet)) "-DIBOutletCollection (ClassName) = attribute ((iboutletcollection (ClassName)))" -DIBAction = void attribute ((ibaction) "-miphoneos-version -min = 5.1 -iquote / Users / juniorpond / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Test-fqacaiejputxwicubwhguzleizde / Build / Intermediates / / Debug-iphoneos / / Test-generated-fil es.hmap -I / Users / juniorpond / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Test-fqacaiejputxwicubwhguzleizde / Build / intermediates / / Debug-iphoneos / / Test-native target headers.hmap -I / Users / juniorpond / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Test-fqacaiejputxwicubwhguzleizde / Build / intermediates / / Debug-iphoneos / / Test all-targets headers.hmap -iquote / Users / juniorpond / Library / Developer / Xcode /DerivedData/Test-fqacaiejputxwicubwhguzleizde/Build/Intermediates/ -I / Users / juniorpond / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Test-jqzbubwhitchell / Products / Debug-iphoneos / enable -I / Users / juniorpond / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Test-fqacaiejputxwicubwhguzleizde / Build / intermediates / / Debug-iphoneos / / DerivedSources / ARMv7 -I / Users / juniorpond / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Test-fqacaiejputxwicubwhguzleizde / Build / intermediates / / Debug-iphoneos / / DerivedSources -F / Users / juniorpond / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Test-fqacaiejputxwicubwhguzleizde / Build / Products-Debug Users / juniorpond / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Test-fqacaiejputxwicubwhguzleizde / Build / Intermediates / PrecompiledHeaders / Test-Prefix-clsydhfesjzmtrbgszvgmeofhzfq / Test-Prefix.pch -MMDcodeTior -MMDDml-junior DerivedData / Test-fqacaiejputxwicubwhguzleizde / Build / Intermediates / / Debug-iphoneos / / Objects-normal / armv7 / CLAPIDeserializer.d --serialize-diagnostics / Users / juniorpond / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Test -fqacaiejputxwicubwhguzleizde / Build / Intermediates / / Debug-iphoneos / / Objects-normal / armv7 / CLAPIDeserializer.dia -c "/ Users / juniorpond / Documents / Dropbox / Triple J Studios / Applications / Applications / CloudSend / Test / test / c loud / API Parse /CLAPIDeserializer.m "-o / Users / juniorpond / Library / Developer / Xcode / DerivedData / Test -fqacaiejputxwicubwhguzleizde / Build / Intermediates / / Debug-iphoneos / / Objects-normal / armv7 / CLAPIDeserializer.o

clang: error: failed to execute command: posix_spawn failed: Resource is temporarily unavailable clang: error: clang frontend command failed due to signal 1 (use -v to see the call) clang: note: msg diagnostics: Please send a report about error and include command line arguments and all diagnostic information. clang: error: failed to execute command: posix_spawn failed: resource is temporarily unavailable clang: note: diagnostic msg: error generating pre-processed sources. command /Applications/ failed with exit code 255

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6 answers

When this happens, close xcode and issue the "purge" command in Terminal, and then restart xcode. It solved this error for me.


This means that your OS X kernel cannot start more processes for your user ID. Maximum number of processes for each user:

To see the process limitation:

sysctl kern.maxprocperuid 

To check how many processes you have running:

 ps aux | grep username | wc -l 

To find out how many zombie processes:

 ps -v -u username | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | grep Z | wc -l 

To find out what it is:

 for pid in `ps -v -u username | grep -v grep | awk '{print $1, $2}' | grep Z | awk '{print $1}'` do ps -o command="" -p $pid >> zombies.txt done 

None of these processes can be killed, and cleaning will not work on my mac, 10.8.2.

You can temporarily increase the maximum number of user processes:

 sudo sysctl -w kern.maxprocperuid=1024 

Then in your .bash_profile or .bashrc add:

 ulimit -u 1024 

And change the limits of the Finders:

 sudo launchctl limit maxproc 1024 

But actually, it's time for coffee and give your Mac a reboot.


I had the same problem with a project that I have under GIT with some of my team, the problem is that some of my teams forgot to commit some newly added files.

So, the .xcodeproj project itself took into account that it has some ViewControllers, but they did not physically exist.

As soon as I added the missing view controllers, the project was created correctly.

Hope this helps your situation.


just do it!

1.Turn on your Mac.

2. Turn on your Mac.

3.Run Xcode


I had to do everything to fix it. product> clear from xcode. reboot and cleaning did not help, cleaning fixed it.


The message says:

The clang frontman command failed due to signal 1 (use -v to see the Challenge)

Try adding "-v" to your "other C flags" in the "Build Settings" section of your project and see what it spits out ...



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