Empty string in regex c #

I have the following Regex template: "[A-TVWZ]" . I need it to accept also the empty "" lines, how can I insert this into my template? I need this for my DataGridView, because when the User leaves the cell without writing anythig, it gets an error while checking ...

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3 answers

Perhaps this is too simple; I would check for empty strings without regular expressions.


 if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( myString ) || Regex.IsMatch( "[A-TVWZ]", myString ) { .... } 



Try "[A-TVWZ]?" or "^[A-TVWZ]?$"

The Question icon ( ? ) Ensures that the pattern matches zero or 1 time. So zero time means an empty string.


A pure regular expression of this would be


which will either match one of the above letters, or an empty string. Your comment indicates that the user can enter only one character, so another option would be


which is similar to Wakas answer. However, this one will not enter other lines that may coincide due to anchors.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1412491/

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