Replace all special characters in the string IN C #

I would like to find all the special characters in the string and replace with Hyphen ( - )

I am using the code below

string content = "foo,bar,(regular expression replace) 123"; string pattern = "[^a-zA-Z]"; //regex pattern string result = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(content,pattern, "-"); 


Foo bar - regex replacement ----

I get a hyphen multiple occurrence (---) in out put.

I would like to get something like this

Foo-bar-regex replacement

How to achieve this?

Any help would be appreciated

Thanks deep

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3 answers

why not just do this:

 public static string ToSlug(this string text) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); var lastWasInvalid = false; foreach (char c in text) { if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(c)) { sb.Append(c); lastWasInvalid = false; } else { if (!lastWasInvalid) sb.Append("-"); lastWasInvalid = true; } } return sb.ToString().ToLowerInvariant().Trim(); } 

Try the pattern: "[^a-zA-Z]+" - replace one or more non-alpha (can you enable numerical, though?).


Does this work?

 string pattern = "[^a-zA-Z]+"; 


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