Here, the code demonstrates some of the lower-level building functions that provide the kind of fine-grained control you want. Additional pages are available on the help pages of several functions.
plot(rnorm(99), bty="n", axes=FALSE, xlab="", ylab="") box(col="dodgerblue") axis(1, col="dodgerblue", col.ticks="green", col.axis="orange", cex.axis=2) axis(2, col="dodgerblue", col.ticks="green", col.axis="orange", cex.axis=0.8) mtext("Index", side=1, line=3, col="red", cex=2) mtext("Value", side=2, line=3, col="purple", cex=0.8)
(The resulting plot is ugly so that I run the code myself and not play it here!)
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