Android - stop (intercept) a C2DM Push notification if an application is running?

I have implemented C2DM (Android Push Notification) in my application and everything is working fine. However, when my application is running, I can receive notifications. Can I find out how, if I can stop the push notification from signing in if my application is running? I only want to receive push notifications only when my application is down. Since, as far as I know, APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) will check if the application is working or not before sending a push notification. Does C2DM do this too?

Thanks to everyone in advance!

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2 answers

@ Muzhib is right. I encountered the same problem as you, I would like to stop push notifications if the application is running. I managed to solve the problem using the code here:

Use this code snippet to check if your application is working or not. Then, if the application is running, I did nothing for it, if it is not running, then I would send / receive push notifications. Hope this helps!


Well, you can turn off your notifications when the application is running, in other words, push messages will still get access to you, but you have a control for notifications or not.

If the application is running or in the foreground there are no notifications yet Notify ...



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