I got the above error while deploying a file in WebLogic. Can someone help me regarding this error?

Error: Webapp library unresolved links for "ServletContext @ 8793091 [app: casman-jsf-3 module: casman-jsf-3.5-SNAPSHOT.war path: spec version: 2.5]" defined in weblogic.xml [Extension -Name: jstl, Specification-Version: 1.1, exact-match: true], [Extension-Name: jsf-myfaces, Specification-Version: 1.1, exact-match: true]

I got the above error when deploying a file in WebLogic. Can anyone help me regarding this error. Should I make changes to the Weblogic.xml file?

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3 answers

The error is due to the fact that some library referenced in Weblogic.xml is not used during deployment.

try calling all link libraries through run (Windows). For example, if you have a link to a library named \ systemlib \ alllibs \ lib1.jar, then run it and try calling the library file or viewing it manually if you can access the file on the server.

If the file is present, then for the unix / linux server, check if there are any permissions in the system. for example, if the library was placed by the root user, and the weblogic user (application server) does not have read or write permissions to the library folder. Remove such problems.

Finally, since the error specifically says JSTL, so check to see if the JRE and JSTL versions are in sync.

If the error still persists, please share also with weblogic.xml


To fix this, I had to take the following steps (I am developing using Eclipse and deploying it in Weblogic 10.3.5):

  • REMOVE weblogic.xml from the directory / WebContent / WEB -INF /
  • Add the necessary jars to your lib directory (/ WEB-INF / lib /), including JSTL.jar
  • Add project libraries to the deployment descriptor
  • Install EAR or WAR in Weblogic

This solved the problem.


Do a deep search of "jsf" in the wlServer \ common \ deployable-libraries folder. Find the library that matches this extension and install it on your server. Redeploy application

It worked for me


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1412743/

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