Is it possible to use with twisted.web?

I am writing a web application using Python twisted.web on the server side.

On the interface side, I would like to use Ajax to display real-time updates of events happening on the server.

There are lots of information on how to do this, so I realized that I need to choose a javascript library that would make my life easier. seems like a good choice, since it supports several browsers and transport mechanisms, but, reading their examples, it seems that it can only work with node.js ?

So does anyone know if can be used with twisted.web ? If so, any links for a good example / tutorial would also be welcome.

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2 answers

You need the server side to integrate with the script on the client side. The servers that I know are written in Python and all of this use Tornado. You can look at the implementation of, for example, Tornadio ( ) and see what methods and classes they used to connect Tornadio and Tornado together. This will give you a pretty good idea of โ€‹โ€‹how to integrate it with your twisted.web server.

We just abandoned to sockJS (which is also compatible with Tornado) and made big performance improvements,


You can try , or if you need SocketIO for a certain reason, the TornadIO2 port in Cyclone will not be difficult. You may find this problem interesting.



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