I ran into a problem while trying to use Curl in Buzz for Symfony2 (I finally managed to install it, see this post ).
I use it alone in my packages, and I updated services.yml, adding:
# cURL client for Buzz buzz.client.curl: class: Buzz\Client\Curl public: false calls: - [setVerifyPeer, [false]] # Buzz browser buzz.browser: class: Buzz\Browser arguments: ['@buzz.client.curl']
And when I go and check my project page, here is the error I get:
InvalidArgumentException: There is no extension able to load the configuration for "buzz.client.curl" (in myBundle) Looked for namespace "buzz.client.curl", found none
So, from what I understand, I have to change one of the Buzz namespace declarations somewhere.
But does anyone know what and where?
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