XSL can't do anything on its own. This is just a definition for converting an XML file to something else. To do something with it, you need to run XSL Transform in a program or using a tool such as XML Spy.
Here is a simple example that I wrote a few years ago in VBScript:
Dim xml, xsl, htm, fso, flOut Set xml = CreateObject("MSXML2.DOMDocument") Set xsl = CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") xml.load WScript.Arguments(0) xsl.load WScript.Arguments(1) htm = xml.transformNode(xsl) Set flOut = fso.CreateTextFile(WScript.Arguments(2)) flOut.Write htm flOut.close
I called it xmlTrfm.vbs. Use it like this:
xmlTrfm.vbs [sourceFileName].xml [transformFileName].xsl [outputFileName].[ext]
The file extension for the name of the output file obviously depends on the format that the XSL transform generates, usually xml, html or txt, but can be almost anything.
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