Delphi: error accessing access while accessing a SOAP server from a Windows7 proxy server with support for proxy server and SOAP server

I spent several weeks searching on Google and making various changes to the code. I EVEN tried to put the log file on a SOAP server, but no error was found in the code.

I have a SOAP server written in delphi XE. This is very straightforward. The interface has only one function.

type { Invokable interfaces must derive from IInvokable } IIirate = interface(IInvokable) ['{153E0531-5EAB-49E3-B824-62447AF6F0A9}'] { Methods of Invokable interface must not use the default } { calling convention; stdcall is recommended } Function ProcessRequest(Request: TSOAPAttachment): TSOAPAttachment; stdcall; end; 

I have one client with a PC with proxy support. Only when it visits my SOAP server does it freeze and no one can access the server unless I rework the IIS application pool. But I see that the cache files for attaching soap continue to flow to the server. It's funny if I commented on the ProcessRequest function in the interface part, then the same situation arises.

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1 answer

You can try soapUI for testing on your server ( ) to eliminate the possibility that the client application is doing something that causes it to freeze. However, one client should not be able to make it hang. Is the thread model your SOAP server uses multithreaded? The link contains information on COM multithreading



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