I spent several weeks searching on Google and making various changes to the code. I EVEN tried to put the log file on a SOAP server, but no error was found in the code.
I have a SOAP server written in delphi XE. This is very straightforward. The interface has only one function.
type { Invokable interfaces must derive from IInvokable } IIirate = interface(IInvokable) ['{153E0531-5EAB-49E3-B824-62447AF6F0A9}'] { Methods of Invokable interface must not use the default } { calling convention; stdcall is recommended } Function ProcessRequest(Request: TSOAPAttachment): TSOAPAttachment; stdcall; end;
I have one client with a PC with proxy support. Only when it visits my SOAP server does it freeze and no one can access the server unless I rework the IIS application pool. But I see that the cache files for attaching soap continue to flow to the server. It's funny if I commented on the ProcessRequest function in the interface part, then the same situation arises.
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