I have a class that contains an inner class. I want to send a value equal to the upper class, but "this" sends the value of the inner class. What can I do?
package Controller; public class MessageFrameListener{ private MessageFrame mf; private User us; private Contact cn; private Timer timer; private Running run; private ListFrame lf; public MessageFrameListener(ListFrame l_f, MessageFrame m_f, User u_s, Contact c_n, Running r_n){ run = r_n; mf = m_f; us = u_s; cn = c_n; lf = l_f; m_f.addButtonListener(new SButtonListener()); m_f.addWinListener(new FrameListener()); timer = new Timer(500,new timerListener()); timer.start(); } public class FrameListener implements WindowListener{ @Override public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { timer.stop(); timer = null; mf.close(); lf.removeMFL(this)); } } }
So this line
sends a "FrameListener" by this, but I want to send a "MessageFrameListener"
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