Android - Rounded Rectangle in Rounded Rectangle

I am currently developing a login page, and I ran into the problem of using rounded rectangles. My current layout looks something like this:

enter image description here

This is a rounded rectangle containing a smaller rounded rectangle.

As you can see, the right edges of both rectangles seem to merge. However, I want to maintain a constant distance between the borders of the two rectangles for a clearer look. Is there any way to do this?

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3 answers

In EditText you can try layout_marginRight in XML.


If your outer rectangle is outerRect and already contains the coordinates, you can set the borders of the inner rectangle relative to the border of outerRect .

 Rect innnerRect = new Rect(outerRect.left+5,, outerRect.right-5, outerRect.bottom-5); 


You can also make the image available for 9 patches. Define the middle of the inner rectangular region as expandable.


To do this, the rectangles must have the same radius at each corner.

If the corners of the outer rectangle have a radius of 10dp, the inner rectangle should also have a radius of 10dp.


You also need to have the same indentation / margin at the top, bottom and right of the inner rectangle. Check your fields and gaskets to add the same value.



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