I want to create an application that can use a telephone microphone to get the amount of external noise in dB. What is the easiest way to do this?
Check out one of two projects at code.google.com:
where, since recent projects have used this form to calculate sound pressure values:
Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1413453/More articles:php5-fpm children and queries - phpWhy does Apache + mod_php on Windows require a little RAM usage? - windowsHow to reuse a JSON object - jsonFind a rectangle in 2d - performanceHTML5 and decibel counter - javascriptDebugging a Java project that is called through a perl script - javaHow to get the model number of any connected printer in vb.net - vb.netSQL Server 2005 with the same column but with a different date and time? - sqlcli before running in bootloader - assemblycannot be allowed for type (jsp + eclipse) - javaAll Articles