I am working on the Minimax algorithm for the unrivaled Tic Tac Toe. I need it to work for both the computer and the first, as well as for the first player. In the current version, the computer will never lose at the first start. However, it seems that Minimax never finds the best move (always returns -1 as a score) if the player goes first.
What causes the Minimax score to return -1 for the computer if the player makes the first move?
board.addMark( 1, Mark2.PLAYER );
Here is the Minimax class:
public class Minimax { public static int minimax( Board board, Mark2 currentMark ) { int score = (currentMark == Mark2.COMPUTER) ? -1 : 1; int[] availableSpaces = board.getAvailableSpaces(); if ( board.hasWinningSolution() ) score = (board.getWinningMark() == Mark2.COMPUTER) ? 1 : -1; else if ( availableSpaces.length != 0 ) { Mark2 nextMark = (currentMark == Mark2.COMPUTER) ? Mark2.PLAYER : Mark2.COMPUTER; for ( int availableIndex = 0; availableIndex < availableSpaces.length; availableIndex++ ) { board.addMark( availableSpaces[availableIndex], currentMark ); int nextScore = minimax( board, nextMark ); board.eraseMark( availableSpaces[availableIndex] ); if ( currentMark == Mark2.COMPUTER && nextScore > score || currentMark == Mark2.PLAYER && nextScore < score ) score = nextScore; } } return score; } }
Here is the Board class:
public class Board { private Mark2 gameBoard[]; private int blankSpaces; private boolean solutionFound; private Mark2 winningMark; public final static int winSets[][] = { { 0, 1, 2 }, { 3, 4, 5 }, { 6, 7, 8 }, { 0, 3, 6 }, { 1, 4, 7 }, { 2, 5, 8 }, { 0, 4, 8 }, { 2, 4, 6 } }; public Board() { gameBoard = new Mark2[9]; blankSpaces = 9; for ( int boardIndex = 0; boardIndex < gameBoard.length; boardIndex++ ) { gameBoard[boardIndex] = Mark2.BLANK; } } public void addMark( int spaceIndex, Mark2 mark ) { if ( gameBoard[spaceIndex] != mark ) { gameBoard[spaceIndex] = mark; if ( mark == Mark2.BLANK ) { blankSpaces++; } else { blankSpaces--; } } } public void eraseMark( int spaceIndex ) { if ( gameBoard[spaceIndex] != Mark2.BLANK ) { gameBoard[spaceIndex] = Mark2.BLANK; blankSpaces++; } } public int[] getAvailableSpaces() { int spaces[] = new int[blankSpaces]; int spacesIndex = 0; for ( int boardIndex = 0; boardIndex < gameBoard.length; boardIndex++ ) if ( gameBoard[boardIndex] == Mark2.BLANK ) spaces[spacesIndex++] = boardIndex; return spaces; } public Mark2 getMarkAtIndex( int spaceIndex ) { return gameBoard[spaceIndex]; } public boolean hasWinningSolution() { this.solutionFound = false; this.winningMark = Mark2.BLANK; for ( int setIndex = 0; setIndex < winSets.length && !solutionFound; setIndex++ ) checkSpacesForWinningSolution( winSets[setIndex][0], winSets[setIndex][1], winSets[setIndex][2] ); return solutionFound; } public Mark2 getWinningMark() { return this.winningMark; } private void checkSpacesForWinningSolution( int first, int second, int third ) { if ( gameBoard[first] == gameBoard[second] && gameBoard[third] == gameBoard[first] && gameBoard[first] != Mark2.BLANK ) { solutionFound = true; winningMark = gameBoard[first]; } } public void printBoard() { System.out.printf( " %c | %c | %c\n", getMarkCharacter( gameBoard[0] ), getMarkCharacter( gameBoard[1] ), getMarkCharacter( gameBoard[2] ) ); System.out.println( "------------" ); System.out.printf( " %c | %c | %c\n", getMarkCharacter( gameBoard[3] ), getMarkCharacter( gameBoard[4] ), getMarkCharacter( gameBoard[5] ) ); System.out.println( "------------" ); System.out.printf( " %c | %c | %c\n", getMarkCharacter( gameBoard[6] ), getMarkCharacter( gameBoard[7] ), getMarkCharacter( gameBoard[8] ) ); } public char getMarkCharacter( Mark2 mark ) { char result = (mark == Mark2.PLAYER) ? 'O' : ' '; result = (mark == Mark2.COMPUTER) ? 'X' : result; return result; } }
And here is the "Mark2" class, if there is any confusion:
public enum Mark2 { BLANK, PLAYER, COMPUTER }