Jenkins Python APIs and multi-configuration projects

I created a project with several configurations in Jenkins, and I'm trying to manage these jobs through a command line script. I am trying to use the jenkinsapi Python module for this. So far, I have found how to get my work done, but I cannot figure out how to get the specific assembly configurations to make sure they succeed.

from jenkinsapi.jenkins import * jenkins = Jenkins('') job = jenkins.get_job('foobar') # I can get job info here, but I don't know how to access specific configurations 

Is there anyway to do this? Is each project with multiple configurations a separate “job” or are they all focused on the same job? In the future, I will need to manage many of these types of projects, and I want to be able to easily add a new hardware configuration to the assembly.

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3 answers

I don't think Python JenkinsAPI is suitable for working with Matrix works. Use Groovy scripts through the Groovy Plugin to go to the Jenkins Java API .

Matrix classes live in hudson.matrix .


It is not clear what you want, give some advice.

If you do not know what information you can get from the job object in the API, you can use the method below to check

Check the source code in github, for your case, also you can use python dir() which you can call in job

 >>> from jenkinsapi.jenkins import * >>> jenkins = Jenkins('http://localhost') >>> job = jenkins.get_job('foobar') >>> dir(job) ['RETRY_ATTEMPTS', '__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__getattribute__', '__get item__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__module__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__s izeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_buildid_for_type', '_config', '_data', '_element_tree', '_get_ config_element_tree', '_mk_json_from_build_parameters', '_poll', '_revmap', '_scm_map', '_scmbranchmap', '_scmurlmap', ' baseurl', 'delete_from_queue', 'disable', 'enable', 'get_build', 'get_build_dict', 'get_build_ids', 'get_build_triggerur l', 'get_buildnumber_for_revision', 'get_config', 'get_config_xml_url', 'get_data', 'get_delete_url', 'get_description', 'get_downstream_job_names', 'get_downstream_jobs', 'get_first_build', 'get_first_buildnumber', 'get_jenkins_obj', 'get_ last_build', 'get_last_build_or_none', 'get_last_buildnumber', 'get_last_completed_build', 'get_last_completed_buildnumb er', 'get_last_failed_buildnumber', 'get_last_good_build', 'get_last_good_buildnumber', 'get_next_build_number', 'get_pa rams', 'get_params_list', 'get_queue_item', 'get_rename_url', 'get_revision_dict', 'get_scm_branch', 'get_scm_type', 'ge t_scm_url', 'get_upstream_job_names', 'get_upstream_jobs', 'invoke', 'is_enabled', 'is_queued', 'is_queued_or_running', 'is_running', 'jenkins', 'load_config', 'mk_json_from_build_parameters', 'modify_scm_branch', 'modify_scm_url', 'name', 'poll', 'python_api_url', 'strip_trailing_slash', 'update_config'] >>> print job.get_last_build() foobar #5 

Check the configuration directly, click the REST API at the bottom of your foobar job, you can get the job configuration directly, like


The easiest way I've found to work with multi / matrix configurations is to load it as a job. The data ... / api / python for the configuration exactly matches the usual work. That way, we can simply access it as one with a few API changes.

Edit the function: process_job_folder in

and get_full_name_from_url_and_baseurl in

Either edit the API code or just rewrite the functions. (a little ugly but works ^ _ ^)

I also made a small change to the way names are displayed. Thus, the name is more consistent: assignment, "sub"? jobs and configurations


Job Name / Job Name / Configuration

 import urlparse from jenkinsapi import job from jenkinsapi import jenkins def process_job_folder(self, folder, folder_path): folder_path += '/job/%s' % folder['name'] data = self.get_data(self.python_api_url(folder_path), tree='jobs[name,color]') result = [] for job in data.get('jobs', []): if 'color' not in job.keys(): result += self.process_job_folder(job, folder_path) else: job['url'] = '%s/job/%s' % (folder_path, job['name']) ## Added to prevent name conflicts job['name'] = folder['name'] + "/" + job['name'] result.append(job) ## Added configuration support configData = self.get_data(self.python_api_url(job['url']), tree='activeConfigurations[name,color,url]') for config in configData.get("activeConfigurations", []): config['url'] = '%s/%s' % (job['url'], config["name"]) config["name"] = job['name'] + "/" + config["name"] result.append(config) ## End of edit return result @staticmethod def get_full_name_from_url_and_baseurl(url, baseurl): """ Get the full name for a job (including parent folders) from the job URL. """ path = url.replace(baseurl, '') split = path.split('/') ## Ignore /job and empty strings split = [urlparse.unquote(part) for part in split[::] if not part in ["", "job"]] ## End of edit return '/'.join(split) jenkins.JenkinsBase.process_job_folder = process_job_folder job.Job.get_full_name_from_url_and_baseurl = get_full_name_from_url_and_baseurl def get_server_instance(): jenkins_url = SERVER_URL server = jenkins.Jenkins(jenkins_url, username = USERNAME, password = PASSWORD_OR_API_KEY, ssl_verify=False, timeout=50) return server s = get_server_instance() for j in s.get_jobs(): print j 


Now you can do:

 s = get_server_instance() myJobName = "foobar/platform=x64" j = s.get_job(myJobName) latestBuild = j.get_last_build() print "Latest build number: ",latestBuild.get_number() print "\tLatest build status: ",latestBuild.get_status() 


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