How to change screen brightness in BroadcastReceiver?

I want to change the brightness, I can use this method:

public static void SetBright(int brightness, Context context) { if (isAutoBrightness(context)) { stopAutoBrightness(context); } WindowManager.LayoutParams lp = ((Activity) context).getWindow() .getAttributes(); lp.screenBrightness = Float.valueOf(brightness) * (1f / 255f); ((Activity) context).getWindow().setAttributes(lp); } 

I need an operation to go to SetBright(int brightness, Context context);

But now I need to call the SetBright(int brightness, Context context) method in Brocastreceiver. I can use the context in the onReceive method (context context, intent intention), but if I exit the application, it does not work.

Is there any other way that I can use to change brightness instead of using activity?

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3 answers

start fictitious activity and set the window parameter using brightness (from 0 to 1 range-1 for 255). start the timer 50, 100 or 500 ms independently. then complete the work.

 TimerTask finishTask = new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { BrightActivity.this.finish(); timer.cancel(); if (timer != null) { timer = null; } } }; timer.schedule(finishTask,Constants.BRIGHTNESS_REFRESH_DELAY); 

First of all, I used 500 ms for the screen refresh time, but it does not work in the s3 galaxy. but 1000 is fine. Thus, the screen refresh time is device dependent.


if you want to save, try this after adjusting the brightness:

 public static void saveBrightness(Context context, int brightness) { ContentResolver resolver= context.getContentResolver(); Uri uri = android.provider.Settings.System .getUriFor("screen_brightness"); android.provider.Settings.System.putInt(resolver, "screen_brightness", brightness); resolver.notifyChange(uri, null); } 


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