IIS 64bit Com dll

Hi, I am developing an application where I need to access DL DL through a web service.

I am running IIS 7 on win 7 and developing vs2010.

Everything works fine in the development environment, but when I went to publish to IIS on my local host for further testing, I got the following error:

System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: getting COM factory class for component with CLSID {29345FBB-4DE7-4838-9464-5A886B775677} failed due to the following error: 80040154.

I looked through this and found that if I changed the settings of my application pool to “Enable 32-bit applications” to true. To get around this error, I did it, and now I get the following error:

Unable to pass a COM object of type ComName.ComClassClass to the interface, enter "ComName._ComClass". This operation failed because QueryInterface calls the COM component for the interface with IID '{003B251B-6F4E-42A5-8111-11DB41F1D14A}' because of the following Error: this interface is not supported (exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE)) .

Im completely lost where to look, Did he look for it, it seems he cannot find the answer, is there anyone who knows what is happening?

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1 answer

COM DLL files must be registered on the IIS server. Install software that installs this COM documentation or do it yourself using regsvr32.exe "C: .. \ yourdll.dll"

[Window Name] RegSvr32


To register a module, you must provide a binary name.

Usage: regsvr32 [/ u] [/ s] [/ n] [/ i [: cmdline]] dllname

/ u - Unregister the server

/ s - Silently; do not display message boxes

/ i - Call DllInstall, passing it an optional [cmdline]; when used with / u causes dll removal

/ n - do not call DllRegisterServer; this option should be used with / i

If you think that it is already registered, cancel it and re-register, and possibly do iisreset :)

Example (if your dll is directly in C: \):

C:> regsvr32.exe / u thecomdll.dll

C:> regsvr32.exe thecomdll.dll


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1413555/

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