COM DLL files must be registered on the IIS server. Install software that installs this COM documentation or do it yourself using regsvr32.exe "C: .. \ yourdll.dll"
[Window Name] RegSvr32
To register a module, you must provide a binary name.
Usage: regsvr32 [/ u] [/ s] [/ n] [/ i [: cmdline]] dllname
/ u - Unregister the server
/ s - Silently; do not display message boxes
/ i - Call DllInstall, passing it an optional [cmdline]; when used with / u causes dll removal
/ n - do not call DllRegisterServer; this option should be used with / i
If you think that it is already registered, cancel it and re-register, and possibly do iisreset :)
Example (if your dll is directly in C: \):
C:> regsvr32.exe / u thecomdll.dll
C:> regsvr32.exe thecomdll.dll
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