Where can I start to explore how to add integration to the menu bar for a non-Gtk application when running under Ubuntu Unity? A few quick Google searches with keywords such as “integrating into a single Ubuntu unity menu” didn’t show anything interesting.
It’s good to know if you want to create a menu, for example, for an SDL application, or if I want to integrate the GNUstep menu into Unity.
Looks like I need to research the dbusmenu project and the com.canonical.dbusmenu interface. Does anyone have any good docs on this?
Some useful code is available in this code , which combines the Java Swing menu with DBusMenu. This is from the java-swing-ayatana project, which seems to be aimed at improving the integration of Swing applications in Ubuntu.
I wrote the code in the MiniDbus-Menu repository on BitBucket. (Yes, I accidentally named the repository. Sue me. :-) It comes with some notes about my research in README.md.
Unfortunately, the code still does not work, so the question remains open. I would like to know what I did wrong in my code!
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