Here is a quote from the etymology of online : βThe meaning of theβ arrangement of numbers or other digits for convenience βis written from the late 14th century (for example, the table of contents, mid 15c.).
This is not very useful, but ... People tend to name things and phenomena. What for? Therefore, we can distinguish one from the other. (This is just a quick generalization.)
A table (and a table) are excellent graphic terms to mean a collection of objects / things in sight. Graphics mean attitude to furniture (table: "you can see objects on the table"). Or in the case of spreadsheets: a lot of numbers and text distributed on a sheet (s) of paper.
These are just a couple of points of view from a non-native English speaker. A cheap answer to the original, why the question will be: because someone called it a table, while others agreed. This is a good term IMHO ...
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