Does anyone know how I can create a stored procedure in mysql workbench? I would like to know and use them, but how to save the files that I create so that I can name them later? In a workbench or inside my php code would be better.
update thought I could share this link, as this can come in handy to anyone who views this
Stored procedures in MySQL and PHP as an article
add stored procedure to Workbench Mysql:
1) Click the triangle to the left of your database: you should see tables, views and routines
2) Right-click on procedures โ Create procedure
You are done :)
In the EER chart:
Place a New Routine Group
Group: Routines
Routine Group
Alternatively, from the model diagram, click the Add Group icon under the Routine Groups heading, then click Add Routine under the Routines heading.
Add Group
Routine Groups
Add Routine
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