See the example below.
<concat destfile="dest-file"> <fileset dir="dir1" /> <!-- how to append the output of the executable below without creating a temporary file for that output? --> <apply executable="command1">...</apply> </concat>
support apply and exec tasks support redirector s so you can do something like:
<apply executable="command1" > <redirector append="true" output="file.log" /> </apply>
Source: articles:ttk Treeview selection_set cannot accept spaces - pythonHow to associate an NSTextField value with NSObjectController content without errors? - xcode4Fortran Array Announcement - arraysTimeline Range GROUP BY - timestampCreating a stored procedure in MySQL Workbench - phphow to select tags in iframe using jquery? - jqueryDisk bandwidth - new file versus existing file using dd - linuxHow to connect to my shared heroku database for postgresql? - postgresqlWhy doesn't NSArray return NULL for non-existent indexes? - objective-cDetect if Linked Layer topology topology is enabled on a computer - c #All Articles