My problem is when I use the UIImagePicker camera and the phone is out of memory. It issues a memory warning and unloads the view, and then reboots.
I know this is a very common problem, and many questions already exist in SO. I will not go into this.
- (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; MyPersonClass *persons = [[MyPersonClass alloc] init]; persons.images = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:4]; .... ... }
My problem is that my view controller has four buttons and UIImageViews and when I click each, they open the camera and the image clicked is shown back in UIImageViews and these images are also stored in the persons.images
NSMutable dictionary.
Sometimes it throws a popular memory warning error and unloads the view, and it removes all the images in the UIImageView that were made before the memory warning, and I lose everything in persons.iamges
I just want to be able to get this data back. I do not know where to store it (I do not want to use CoreData for this).
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