I have an HTML selector (combo box) in a form with a pair, if it has options. As always, each parameter has a specific meaning. During page initialization, I get a value from the server, which I should use as the selected parameter in the list. Sometimes, however, I get a value from a server that does not match any of the available parameters. (Grrrr)
I want to inform the user that the value received from the server is not valid. What I would like to do is to show an empty selection field (as if there was no choice) without the actual empty option as one of the parameters. I would also like to use the default select item, if possible. Is this possible?
Edit: When you set the combox value to 'IE9 (I used $ (' select '). Val (' ')), it empties the text in the combo box, which is exactly what I need. Unfortunately, only IE9 does this, so this is not an option.
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