I have a DIV:
<div id="leftBoxTools" class="toolboxHeaders" style="margin-top: 10px; width: 100%"> TOOLS</div>
that I want to fire the click event when someone clicks on it, so I can make a kind of collapsible toolbar:
$(".toolboxHeaders").click(function () { $(this).next().slideToggle("slow"); });
It works fine in ff and chrome, but in ie9 it works only if you click on the actual text and nowhere in the div ... any ideas?
UPDATE: To make this a bit clearer, all this happens in the JQ UI dialog box. Not sure if this can cause problems. I looked at JSFiddle from this post and they all work fine in IE9. However, I still cannot get my problem to work.
I also do all this in an old aspx application using frames and master pages (guh) ... so it is very difficult to say what causes this.
I changed doctype to HTML5, but still can't get it to fire on anything other than text.
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