How to determine class inheritance using Puppet Ruby DSL

I have a Puppet class "Ruby":

# init.pp class ruby { package { 'libldap-ruby1.8': ensure => 'installed' } } 

Then I have a class written in Puppet Ruby DSL that should inherit this Puppet class:

 # ldap.rb hostclass 'ruby::ldap' do (...) end 

How to determine if ruby ​​:: ldap inherits ruby?

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2 answers

Unfortunately, the Puppet developers at Google Groups do not answer any related questions ( link1 , link2 ).


Update , existing ruby-dsl is out of date. It is planned to release a new version that does not support backward compatibility. I don't think the old ruby-dsl ever supported inheritance.

If you like the flexibility offered by the ruby-dsl puppet, you can also enjoy the chef.



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