Output control does not work

I have a login in the main layout of my application, as described by David Lady in this video: http://notesin9.com/index.php/2012/03/09/notesin9-049-xpages-login-and-logout/

Everything works fine except for the exit link. Link Code:

facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest().getContextPath() + "?Logout&redirectTo=" + facesContext.getExternalContext().getRequest().getContextPath()

When it clicks, I log out and return to the home page, and that's fine. But then, if I refresh or click on another page, I immediately go back without a password. Is it because a session is saved on the server that is not cleared? How can I change this so that after logging out, someone has to go through the full login process again before logging in?

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1 answer

It depends on whether your server is configured to use basic or session authentication. There is no logout mechanism for basic authentication; you log out when you close your browser.

The above code will only work for the session that is configured on your domino server through the domino administrator.

Here are some instructions: http://www-12.lotus.com/ldd/doc/domino_notes/7.0/help7_admin.nsf/b3266a3c17f9bb7085256b870069c0a9/1e4058257e426e5e8525706f0065d97a?OpenDocument


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1413945/

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