I saw several questions on this subject, however they were 2 years (or more) old, so I would like to know if something has changed about this.
The main idea is to populate the gridview and create custom paging. So I need results and row count.
In SQL, it will be something like:
SELECT COUNT(id), Id, Name... FROM ... WHERE ...
Getting the whole simple simple request. However, I would like to be consistent and use Linq2Entities.
So far I have been using a two-query approach (against sql server) because it just works. I would like to optimize it and use only one query.
I tried this:
var query = from o in _db.Products select o; var prods = from o in query select new { Count = query.Count(), Products = query };
This creates a very nasty and long request with really unnecessary cross-connections and other things that I really don't need or don't need.
Is there a way to get paginated results + counting all objects in one simple query? What is the recommended approach here?
Just tried FutureQueries, and either I'm doing something wrong, or actually doing two queries. This shows my sql profiler:
-- Query
And the following line:
-- Query
C # code:
internal static List<Product> GetProducts(out int _count) { DatabaseEntities _db = new DatabaseEntities(); var query = from o in _db.Products where o.CategoryID == 1 select o; var count = query.FutureCount(); _count = count.Value; return query.Future().ToList(); }
Did I miss something? According to my profiler, it does the same thing except for the added line in the request (- Request No. 1).