Permanent disconnections due to channel becoming obsolete for no reason

Since the release of the latest version a few days ago, our users are constantly disconnected due to the fact that channel tokens become outdated with the moment of creation. Our tokens are designed for 5 hours, but we are lucky if they last 5-10 minutes, and we can’t even reconnect to the new channel token when the channel closes until the user is updated.

Javascript error starts its beginning. It looks like this:

NetworkError: 400 Unknown the SID - gsjg8mb1i987 & t = 1

Then in Firefox Firebug, the console is endlessly spammed

Channel name mismatch message is ignored

Until an update occurs.

Our site is an interactive real-time chat site. Our users send us newsletters that they continue to disable. They leave the site. This requires us not only goodwill with our user base, but also money, and we are powerless to do anything because the error is related to the Google App Engine.

Correct it or roll back to the previous build right away until you figure it out. The latest version does not work.

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1 answer

I could not reproduce this, but I still look at it. Meanwhile: if you explicitly call socket.close () after receiving the error, can you then create a new channel object and reconnect? If this does not work, you can try to manually remove the element with id "wcs-iframe" from the DOM. You should be able to use the original token when doing this instead of retrieving a new token.



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