How to pass a parameter to an OLE Automation object, for example MS Word

This is basically a Delphi syntax issue. I need to set the True parameter when calling the OLE object method.

I need to install Word Automation (this is from the Word Reference ):

wdApp.Quit SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges 

As an example, consider a dummy procedure in which I would like to do this (pay attention to WordApp.Quit!):

 Procedure GetWordVersion; var WordApp: OLEVariant; begin { Create the OLE Object } Try WordApp := CreateOLEObject('Word.Application'); WordVersion := WordApp.version; WordApp.Quit; // >-- HERE!!!! except on E: Exception do begin WordVersion := -1; end; End; end; 

Here (check the accepted answer) the same seems to be done, but if I try this: it does not compile. I copy here only the relevant parts:

 Const wdDoNotSaveChanges = 0 [...] wdo.Quit wdDoNotSaveChanges [...] End Function 

Important: instead of using

 // this is from Word Reference wdApp.Quit SaveChanges:=wdDoNotSaveChanges 

can be used

 // from Word Reference wdApp.NormalTemplate.Saved = True 

Can someone modify my GetWordVersion procedure above to use one of the two approaches above? Thanks.

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1 answer

You can write:

Wordapp.Quit (SaveChanges: = wdDoNotSaveChanges);

Or use this:

 word := CreateOleObject('Word.Application'); .... word.DisplayAlerts := false; word.Quit; 


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