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Removing a single quote from the end of a line in C #

I am using the following code:


to remove the dollar from the string stored in the importTabs array list. How to pass a parameter along with '$' so that it removes one quote (') from the beginning and end of the line?

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3 answers

You can use another trim:


Or, if you don't mind removing $ at the beginning too, you can do it all at once:

 importTabs.Add(row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString().Trim('\'', '$') 

This will save you from creating another instance of the string than you need.


I would use a trimmer twice


Not sure if I fully understand your question. Do you want to remove single quotes from the beginning and end and remove $ from the end? If so, you can use this ...


If the $ sign is in front of the final tic label, then Trims must be reversed ...


If you know that there is no $ sign at the beginning, you can simplify it ...

 importTabs.Add(row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString().Trim('$', '\'')) 

If you want to pass it as a parameter, Trim takes an array of characters

 char[] charactersToRemove = new[] {'$', '\''}; importTabs.Add(row["TABLE_NAME"].ToString().Trim(charactersToRemove)) 

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/1414176/

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